/manager/Index en-au 5 Three-dimensional OCT based Guinea pig eye model: relating morphology and optics /manager/Repository/uon:31310 in vivo under cyclopegia. Measurements showed low intraocular variability (<4% in corneal and anterior lens radii and <8% in the posterior lens radii, <1% interocular distances). The repeatability of the surface elevation was less than 2 µm. Surface astigmatism was the individual dominant term in all surfaces. Higher-order RMS surface elevation was largest in the posterior lens. Individual surface elevation Zernike terms correlated significantly across corneal and anterior lens surfaces. Higher-order-aberrations (except spherical aberration) were comparable with those predicted by OCT-based eye models.]]> Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:44:10 AEDT ]]> Crystalline lens gradient refractive index distribution in the guinea pig /manager/Repository/uon:39058 Cavia porcellus) at 18 days of age (n = 4, three monolaterally treated with negative lenses and one untreated) and 39 days of age (n = 4, all untreated). Treated eyes were myopic (−2.07 D on average) and untreated eyes hyperopic (+3.3 D), as revealed using streak retinoscopy in the live cyclopeged animals. A custom 3D spectral domain optical coherence tomography (OCT) system (λ = 840 nm, Δλ = 50 nm) was used to image the enucleated crystalline lens at two orientations. Custom algorithms were used to estimate the lens shape and GRIN was modelled with four variables that were reconstructed using the OCT data and a minimisation algorithm. Ray tracing was used to calculate the optical power and spherical aberration assuming a homogeneous refractive index or the estimated GRIN. Results: Guinea pig lenses exhibited nearly parabolic GRIN profiles. When comparing the two age groups (18- and 39 day-old) there was a significant increase in the central thickness (from 3.61 to 3.74 mm), and in the refractive index of the surface (from 1.362 to 1.366) and the nucleus (from 1.443 to 1.454). The presence of GRIN shifted the spherical aberration (−4.1 µm on average) of the lens towards negative values. Conclusions: The guinea pig lens exhibits a GRIN profile with surface and nucleus refractive indices that increase slightly during the first weeks of life. GRIN plays a major role in the lens optical properties and should be incorporated into computational guinea pig eye models to study emmetropisation, myopia development and ageing.]]> Mon 02 May 2022 15:27:30 AEST ]]>